The Bewildering and Inconceivable Pastimes of Lord

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.08.43 - The Bewildering and Inconceivable Pastimes of Lord (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Sri Caitanya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.8.43
ittham vidita-tattvayam
 gopikayam sa isvarah
vaisnavim vyatanon mayam
 putra-snehamayim vibhuh

Mother Yasoda, by the grace of the Lord, could understand the real truth. But then again, the supreme master, by the influence of the internal potency, Yoga-maya, inspired her to become absorbed in intense maternal affection for her son.

Although mother Yasoda understood the whole philosophy of life, at the next moment she was overwhelmed by affection for her son by the influence of Yoga-maya. Unless she took care of her son Krsna, she thought, how could He be protected? She could not think otherwise, and thus she forgot all her philosophical speculations. This forgetfulness is described by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura as being inspired by the influence of Yoga-maya (mohana-sadharmyan mayam). Materialistic persons are captivated by Maha-maya, whereas devotees, by the arrangement of the spiritual energy, are captivated by Yoga-maya.