Feeling Presence of Krishna in Chanting

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.85.01-03 - Feeling Presence of Krishna in Chanting (download mp3)
by Madhavananda Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.85.1
sri-badarayanir uvaca
athaikadatmajau praptau
vasudevo ’bhinandyaha
 pritya sankarsanacyutau

Sri Badarayani said: One day the two sons of Vasudeva — Sankarsana and Acyuta — came to pay him respects, bowing down at his feet. Vasudeva greeted Them with great affection and spoke to Them.

SB 10.85.2
muninam sa vacah srutva
 putrayor dhama-sucakam
tad-viryair jata-visrambhah

Having heard the great sages’ words concerning the power of his two sons, and having seen Their valorous deeds, Vasudeva became convinced of Their divinity. Thus, addressing Them by name, he spoke to Them as follows.

SB 10.85.3
krsna krsna maha-yogin
 sankarsana sanatana
jane vam asya yat saksat
 pradhana-purusau parau

[Vasudeva said:] O Krsna, Krsna, best of yogis, O eternal Sankarsana! I know that You two are personally the source of universal creation and the ingredients of creation as well.

As taught in the Sankhya doctrine of Lord Kapiladeva, pradhana is the creative energy of the purusa, the Supreme Person. Thus, of these two principles, the pradhana is the predominated energy, female, incapable of independent action, while the purusa is the absolutely independent, primeval creator and enjoyer. Neither Krsna nor His brother Balarama belong to the category of subordinate energy; rather, both of Them together are the original purusa, who is always joined by His manifold potencies of pleasure, knowledge and creative emanation.