Srimad Bhagavatam 07.12.16 - Rediscover The Lost Relationship (download mp3)
by HH Smitha Krishna Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty.
Srimad Bhagavatam 07.12.16 - Rediscover The Lost Relationship (download mp3)
by HH Smitha Krishna Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty.
SB 7.12.16
evam vidho brahmacari
vanaprastho yatir grhi
caran vidita-vijñanah
param brahmadhigacchati
evam vidho brahmacari
vanaprastho yatir grhi
caran vidita-vijñanah
param brahmadhigacchati
By practicing in this way, whether one be in the brahmacari-asrama, grhastha-asrama, vanaprastha-asrama or sannyasa-asrama, one must always realize the all-pervading presence of the Supreme Lord, for in this way it is possible to understand the Absolute Truth.
This is the beginning of self-realization. One must first understand how Brahman is present everywhere and how He is acting. This education is called brahma jijñasa and is the real concern of human life. Without such knowledge, one cannot claim to be a human being; rather, he remains in the animal kingdom. As it is said, sa eva go-kharah: [SB 10.84.13] without such knowledge, one is no better than a cow or an ass.