Srimad Bhagavatam 08.05.01-05 - Everything Manifests From Sound Vibration (download mp3)
by Jananivasa Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
Srimad Bhagavatam 08.05.01-05 - Everything Manifests From Sound Vibration (download mp3)
by Jananivasa Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 8.5.1
sri-suka uvaca
rajann uditam etat te
hareh karmagha-nasanam
gajendra-moksanam punyam
raivatam tv antaram srnu
Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King, I have described to you the pastime of Gajendra-moksana, which is most pious to hear. By hearing of such activities of the Lord, one can be freed from all sinful reactions. Now please listen as I describe Raivata Manu.
SB 8.5.2
pañcamo raivato nama
manus tamasa-sodarah
bali-vindhyadayas tasya
suta harjuna-purvakah
The brother of Tamasa Manu was the fifth Manu, named Raivata. His sons were headed by Arjuna, Bali and Vindhya.
SB 8.5.3
vibhur indrah sura-gana
rajan bhutarayadayah
hiranyaroma vedasira
urdhvabahv-adayo dvijah
O King, in the millennium of Raivata Manu the King of heaven was known as Vibhu, among the demigods were the Bhutarayas, and among the seven brahmanas who occupied the seven planets were Hiranyaroma, Vedasira and Urdhvabahu.
SB 8.5.4
patni vikuntha subhrasya
vaikunthaih sura-sattamaih
tayoh sva-kalaya jajñe
vaikuntho bhagavan svayam
From the combination of Subhra and his wife, Vikuntha, there appeared the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vaikuntha, along with demigods who were His personal plenary expansions.
SB 8.5.5
vaikunthah kalpito yena
loko loka-namaskrtah
ramaya prarthyamanena
devya tat-priya-kamyaya
Just to please the goddess of fortune, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vaikuntha, at her request, created another Vaikuntha planet, which is worshiped by everyone.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks here that this Vaikuntha planet, like Srimad-Bhagavatam, appears and is said to be born or created, but both Srimad-Bhagavatam and Vaikuntha eternally exist beyond the material universes, which are enveloped by eight kinds of coverings. As described in the Second Canto, Lord Brahma saw Vaikuntha before the creation of the universe. Viraraghava Acarya mentions that this Vaikuntha is within the universe. It is situated above the mountain known as Lokaloka. This planet is worshiped by everyone.