Lord Chaitanya's Tour to East Bengal

Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi Lila 16.08 - Lord Chaitanya's Tour to East Bengal (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Radhanath Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty

Ādi 16.8
kata dine kaila prabhu bangete gamana
yahan yaya, tahan laoyaya nama-sankirtana

After some days the Lord went to East Bengal, and wherever He went He introduced the sankirtana movement.

Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments, thus establishing the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead, their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtana everywhere. Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for that is the mission of the Caitanya cult.