Srimad Bhagavatam 10.10.26-27 - Lord Krishna's Damodar Lila (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Jagannath Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.10.26-27 - Lord Krishna's Damodar Lila (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Jagannath Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.10.26
ity antarenarjunayoh
krsnas tu yamayor yayau
tiryag-gatam ulukhalam
Having thus spoken, Krsna soon entered between the two arjuna trees, and thus the big mortar to which He was bound turned crosswise and stuck between them.
SB 10.10.27
balena niskarsayatanvag ulukhalam tad
damodarena tarasotkalitanghri-bandhau
nispetatuh parama-vikramitativepa-
skandha-pravala-vitapau krta-canda-sabdau
By dragging behind Him with great force the wooden mortar tied to His belly, the boy Krsna uprooted the two trees. By the great strength of the Supreme Person, the two trees, with their trunks, leaves and branches, trembled severely and fell to the ground with a great crash.
This is the pastime of Krsna known as damodara-lila. Therefore another of Krsna’s names is Damodara. As stated in the Hari-vamsa:
sa ca tenaiva namna tu
krsno vai dama-bandhanat
gosthe damodara iti
gopibhih parigiyate