Soul and Krishna both have Inconceivable Power

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.12.01 - Soul and Krishna both have Inconceivable Power (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Prahlada Priya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.12.1
sri-suka uvaca
kvacid vanasaya mano dadhad vrajat
 pratah samutthaya vayasya-vatsapan
prabodhayañ chrnga-ravena caruna
vinirgato vatsa-purahsaro harih

Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O King, one day Krsna decided to take His breakfast as a picnic in the forest. Having risen early in the morning, He blew His bugle made of horn and woke all the cowherd boys and calves with its beautiful sound. Then Krsna and the boys, keeping their respective groups of calves before them, proceeded from Vrajabhumi to the forest.