Srimad Bhagavatam 10.13.42 - Balaram's bewilderment is Extra Ordinary (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Radhanath Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.13.42
ita ete ’tra kutratya
tavanta eva tatrabdam
kridanto visnuna samam
A similar number of boys and calves have been playing with Krsna for one whole year, yet they are different from the ones illusioned by my mystic potency. Who are they? Where did they come from?
Although appearing like calves, cows and cowherd boys, these were all Visnu. Actually they were visnu-tattva, not jiva-tattva. Brahma was surprised. “The original cowherd boys and cows,” he thought, “are still where I put them last year. So who is it that is now keeping company with Krsna exactly as before? Where have they come from?” Brahma was surprised that his mystic power had been neglected. Without touching the original cows and cowherd boys kept by Brahma, Krsna had created another assembly of calves and boys, who were all expansions of visnu-tattva. Thus Brahma’s mystic power was superseded.