Srimad Bhagavatam 10.17.12-20 - Hearing Chanting and Studying Shatras are Important (download mp3)
by Mukundamala Prabhu at ISKCON Chowatty
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.17.12-20 - Hearing Chanting and Studying Shatras are Important (download mp3)
by Mukundamala Prabhu at ISKCON Chowatty
SB 10.17.12
tat kaliyah param veda
nanyah kascana lelihah
avatsid garudad bhitah
krsnena ca vivasitah
Of all the serpents, only Kaliya came to know of this affair, and in fear of Garuda he took up residence in that Yamuna lake. Later Lord Krsna drove him out.
SB 10.17.13-14
krsnam hradad viniskrantam
upalabhyotthitah sarve
labdha-prana ivasavah
gopah prityabhirebhire
[Resuming his description of Krsna’s chastisement of Kaliya, Sukadeva Gosvami continued:] Krsna rose up out of the lake wearing divine garlands, fragrances and garments, covered with many fine jewels, and decorated with gold. When the cowherds saw Him they all stood up immediately, just like an unconscious person’s senses coming back to life. Filled with great joy, they affectionately embraced Him.
SB 10.17.15
yasoda rohini nando
gopyo gopas ca kaurava
krsnam sametya labdheha
asan suska naga api
Having regained their vital functions, Yasoda, Rohini, Nanda and all the other cowherd women and men went up to Krsna. O descendant of Kuru, even the dried-up trees came back to life.
SB 10.17.16
ramas cacyutam alingya
premna tam ankam aropya
punah punar udaiksata
gavo vrsa vatsataryo
lebhire paramam mudam
Lord Balarama embraced His infallible brother and laughed, knowing well the extent of Krsna’s potency. Out of great feelings of love, Balarama lifted Krsna up on His lap and repeatedly looked at Him. The cows, bulls and young female calves also achieved the highest pleasure.
SB 10.17.17
nandam viprah samagatya
guravah sa-kalatrakah
ucus te kaliya-grasto
distya muktas tavatmajah
All the respectable brahmanas, together with their wives, came forward to greet Nanda Maharaja. They said to him, “Your son was in the grips of Kaliya, but by the grace of Providence He is now free.”
SB 10.17.18
dehi danam dvi-jatinam
nandah prita-mana rajan
gah suvarnam tadadisat
The brahmanas then advised Nanda Maharaja, “To assure that your son Krsna will always be free from danger, you should give charity to the brahmanas.” With a satisfied mind, O King, Nanda Maharaja then very gladly gave them gifts of cows and gold.
SB 10.17.19
yasodapi maha-bhaga
nasta-labdha-praja sati
parisvajyankam aropya
mumocasru-kalam muhuh
The greatly fortunate mother Yasoda, having lost her son and then regained Him, placed Him on her lap. That chaste lady cried constant torrents of tears as she repeatedly embraced Him.
SB 10.17.20
tam ratrim tatra rajendra
ksut-trdbhyam srama-karsitah
usur vrayaukaso gavah
kalindya upakulatah
O best of kings [Pariksit], because the residents of Vrndavana were feeling very weak from hunger, thirst and fatigue, they and the cows spent the night where they were, lying down near the bank of the Kalindi.
Srila Jiva Gosvami points out that although the people were weak from hunger and thirst, they did not drink the milk from the cows present there because they feared it had been contaminated by the serpent’s poison. The residents of Vrndavana were so overjoyed to get back their beloved Krsna that they did not want to go back to their houses. They wanted to stay with Krsna on the bank of the Yamuna so that they could continuously see Him. Thus they decided to take rest near the riverbank.