Clearing our Vision

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.23.10-11 - Clearing our Vision (download mp3)
by Sankirtan Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.23.10-11

desah kalah prthag dravyam
mantra-tantrartvijo ’gnayah
devata yajamanas ca
kratur dharmas ca yan-mayah
tam brahma paramam saksad
bhagavantam adhoksajam
manusya-drstya dusprajña
martyatmano na menire

Although the ingredients of sacrificial performance — the place, time, particular paraphernalia, mantras, rituals, priests, fires, demigods, performer, offering and the as yet unseen beneficial results — are all simply aspects of His opulences, the brahmanas saw Lord Krsna as an ordinary human because of their perverted intelligence. They failed to recognize that He is the Supreme Absolute Truth, the directly manifest Personality of Godhead, whom the material senses cannot ordinarily perceive. Thus bewildered by their false identification with the mortal body, they did not show Him proper respect.

The ritualistic brahmanas could not understand why the sacrificial food should be offered to Lord Krsna, whom they considered an ordinary human being. Just as a person with rose-colored glasses sees the entire world as rose-colored, a conditioned soul with mundane vision sees even God Himself as mundane and thus loses the opportunity to go back home, back to Godhead.