Srimad Bhagavatam 10.36.05-15 - Naam Ruchi and Jivadaya (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Radhanath Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.36.5
pasavo dudruvur bhita
rajan santyajya go-kulam
krsna krsneti te sarve
govindam saranam yayuh
The domestic animals fled the pasture in fear, O King, and all the inhabitants rushed to Lord Govinda for shelter, crying, “Krsna, Krsna!”
SB 10.36.6
bhagavan api tad viksya
go-kulam bhaya-vidrutam
ma bhaisteti girasvasya
vrsasuram upahvayat
When the Supreme Lord saw the cowherd community distraught and fleeing in fear, He calmed them, saying, “Don’t be afraid.” Then He called out to the bull demon as follows.
SB 10.36.7
gopalaih pasubhir manda
trasitaih kim asattama
mayi sastari dustanam
tvad-vidhanam duratmanam
You fool! What do you think you’re doing, you wicked rascal, frightening the cowherd community and their animals when I am here just to punish corrupt miscreants like you!
SB 10.36.8
ity asphotyacyuto ’ristam
tala-sabdena kopayan
sakhyur amse bhujabhogam
prasaryavasthito harih
Having spoken these words, the infallible Lord Hari slapped His arms with His palms, further angering Arista with the loud sound. The Lord then casually threw His mighty, serpentine arm over the shoulder of a friend and stood facing the demon.
Lord Krsna showed His contempt for the ignorant demon.
SB 10.36.9
so ’py evam kopito ’ristah
khurenavanim ullikhan
kruddhah krsnam upadravat
Thus provoked, Arista pawed the ground with one of his hooves and then, with the clouds hovering around his upraised tail, furiously charged Krsna.
SB 10.36.10
stabdhasrg-locano ’cyutam
kataksipyadravat turnam
indra-mukto ’sanir yatha
Pointing the tips of his horns straight ahead and glaring menacingly at Lord Krsna from the corners of his bloodshot eyes, Arista rushed toward Him at full speed, like a thunderbolt hurled by Indra.
SB 10.36.11
grhitva srngayos tam va
astadasa padani sah
pratyapovaha bhagavan
gajah prati-gajam yatha
The Supreme Lord Krsna seized Aristasura by the horns and threw him back eighteen steps, just as an elephant might do when fighting a rival elephant.
SB 10.36.12
so ’paviddho bhagavata
punar utthaya satvaram
apatat svinna-sarvango
nihsvasan krodha-murcchitah
Thus repulsed by the Supreme Lord, the bull demon got up and, breathing hard and sweating all over his body, again charged Him in a mindless rage.
SB 10.36.13
tam apatantam sa nigrhya srngayoh
pada samakramya nipatya bhu-tale
nispidayam asa yathardram ambaram
krtva visanena jaghana so ’patat
As Arista attacked, Lord Krsna seized him by the horns and knocked him to the ground with His foot. The Lord then thrashed him as if he were a wet cloth, and finally He yanked out one of the demon’s horns and struck him with it until he lay prostrate.
SB 10.36.14
asrg vaman mutra-sakrt samutsrjan
ksipams ca padan anavasthiteksanah
jagama krcchram nirrter atha ksayam
puspaih kiranto harim idire surah
Vomiting blood and profusely excreting stool and urine, kicking his legs and rolling his eyes about, Aristasura thus went painfully to the abode of Death. The demigods honored Lord Krsna by scattering flowers upon Him.
SB 10.36.15
evam kukudminam hatva
stuyamanah dvijatibhih
vivesa gostham sa-balo
gopinam nayanotsavah
Having thus killed the bull demon Arista, He who is a festival for the gopis’ eyes entered the cowherd village with Balarama.
This verse exemplifies the sublime contrast of spiritual qualities within Sri Krsna. In one four-line verse we simultaneously learn that Lord Krsna killed a powerful and wicked demon and that His boyish beauty gave festive pleasure to His young girlfriends. Lord Krsna is as hard as a thunderbolt or as soft as a rose, depending on our attitude toward Him. The demon Arista wanted to kill Krsna and all His friends, so the Lord beat him into a wet rag and killed him. The gopis, however, loved Krsna, and thus the Lord boyishly reciprocated their conjugal feelings.