Srimad Bhagavatam10.37.07-09 - Taking Exclusive Shelter of Krishna (download mp3)
by Damodar Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
Srimad Bhagavatam10.37.07-09 - Taking Exclusive Shelter of Krishna (download mp3)
by Damodar Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.37.7
samedhamanena sa krsna-bahuna
niruddha-vayus caranams ca viksipan
prasvinna-gatrah parivrtta-locanah
papata landam visrjan ksitau vyasuh
samedhamanena sa krsna-bahuna
niruddha-vayus caranams ca viksipan
prasvinna-gatrah parivrtta-locanah
papata landam visrjan ksitau vyasuh
As Lord Krsna’s expanding arm completely blocked Kesi’s breathing, his legs kicked convulsively, his body became covered with sweat, and his eyes rolled around. The demon then passed stool and fell on the ground, dead.
SB 10.37.8
tad-dehatah karkatika-phalopamad
vyasor apakrsya bhujam maha-bhujah
avismito ’yatna-hatarikah suraih
prasuna-varsair varsadbhir iditah
tad-dehatah karkatika-phalopamad
vyasor apakrsya bhujam maha-bhujah
avismito ’yatna-hatarikah suraih
prasuna-varsair varsadbhir iditah
The mighty-armed Krsna withdrew His arm from Kesi’s body, which now appeared like a long karkatika fruit. Without the least display of pride at having so effortlessly killed His enemy, the Lord accepted the demigods’ worship in the form of flowers rained down from above.
SB 10.37.9
devarsir upasangamya
bhagavata-pravaro nrpa
krsnam aklista-karmanam
rahasy etad abhasata
devarsir upasangamya
bhagavata-pravaro nrpa
krsnam aklista-karmanam
rahasy etad abhasata
My dear King, thereafter Lord Krsna was approached in a solitary place by the great sage among the demigods, Narada Muni. That most exalted devotee spoke as follows to the Lord, who effortlessly performs His pastimes.
After speaking with Kamsa, Narada went to see Lord Krsna. The Lord’s Vrndavana pastimes were nearly completed, and Narada wanted to see those He would enact in Mathura.