by Kavichandra Swami at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.41.9
tan sametyaha bhagavan
akruram jagad-isvarah
grhitva panina panim
prasritam prahasann iva
After joining Nanda and the others, the Supreme Lord Krsna, the controller of the universe, took humble Akrura’s hand in His own and, smiling, spoke as follows.
SB 10.41.10
bhavan pravisatam agre
saha-yanah purim grham
vayam tv ihavamucyatha
tato draksyamahe purim
[Lord Krsna said:] Take the chariot and enter the city ahead of us. Then go home. After resting here a while, we will go to see the city.
SB 10.41.11
sri-akrura uvaca
naham bhavadbhyam rahitah
praveksye mathuram prabho
tyaktum narhasi mam natha
bhaktam te bhakta-vatsala
Sri Akrura said: O master, without the two of You I shall not enter Mathura. I am Your devotee, O Lord, so it is not fair for You to abandon me, since You are always affectionate to Your devotees.
SB 10.41.12
agaccha yama gehan nah
sa-nathan kurv adhoksaja
sahagrajah sa-gopalaih
suhrdbhis ca suhrttama
Come, let us go to my house with Your elder brother, the cowherd men and Your companions. O best of friends, O transcendental Lord, in this way please grace my house with its master.
SB 10.41.13
punihi pada-rajasa
grhan no grha-medhinam
pitarah sagnayah surah
I am simply an ordinary householder attached to ritual sacrifices, so please purify my home with the dust of Your lotus feet. By that act of purification, my forefathers, the sacrificial fires and the demigods will all become satisfied.
SB 10.41.14
asit slokyo balir mahan
aisvaryam atulam lebhe
gatim caikantinam tu ya
By bathing Your feet, the exalted Bali Maharaja attained not only glorious fame and unequaled power but also the final destination of pure devotees.
SB 10.41.15
apas te ’nghry-avanejanyas
triḻ lokan sucayo ’punan
sirasadhatta yah sarvah
svar yatah sagaratmajah
The water of the river Ganges has purified the three worlds, having become transcendental by bathing Your feet. Lord Siva accepted that water on his head, and by that water’s grace the sons of King Sagara attained to heaven.
SB 10.41.16
deva-deva jagan-natha
narayana namo ’stu te
O Lord of lords, master of the universe, O You whose glories it is most pious to hear and chant! O best of the Yadus, O You whose fame is recounted in excellent poetry! O Supreme Lord Narayana, I offer You my obeisances.
SB 10.41.17
sri-bhagavan uvaca
ayasye bhavato geham
aham arya-samanvitah
yadu-cakra-druham hatva
vitarisye suhrt-priyam
The Supreme Lord said: I will come to Your house with My elder brother, but first I must satisfy My friends and well-wishers by killing the enemy of the Yadu clan.
Akrura glorified Krsna in text 16 as yaduttama, “the best of the Yadus.” Sri Krsna here confirms this by saying, in effect, “Since I am the best of the Yadus, I must kill the enemy of the Yadus, Kamsa, and then I will come to your house.”