We Need to Remove the Anchor of Attachment

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.51.47 - We Need to Remove the Anchor of Attachment (download mp3) , (download flv) and (download mp4)
by Vrishabanu Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.51.47
mamaisa kalo ’jita nisphalo gato
 rajya-sriyonnaddha-madasya bhu-pateh
martyatma-buddheh suta-dara-kosa-bhusv
 asajjamanasya duranta-cintaya

I have wasted all this time, O unconquerable one, becoming more and more intoxicated by my domain and opulence as an earthly king. Misidentifying the mortal body as the self, becoming attached to children, wives, treasury and land, I suffered endless anxiety.

Having in the previous verse condemned those who misuse the valuable human form of life for mundane purposes, Mucukunda now admits that he himself falls into this category. He intelligently wants to take advantage of the Lord’s association and become a pure devotee once and for all.