Srimad Bhagavatam 10.86.04 05 - Balaramji Plays Separatist for Krishna's Pleasure (download mp3)
by Prem Kishor Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
He stayed there during the monsoon months to fulfill his purpose. Lord Balarama and the other residents of the city, not recognizing him, offered him all honor and hospitality.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.86.04 05 - Balaramji Plays Separatist for Krishna's Pleasure (download mp3)
by Prem Kishor Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 10.86.4
tatra vai varsitan masan
avatsit svartha-sadhakah
pauraih sabhajito ’bhiksnam
ramenajanata ca sah
He stayed there during the monsoon months to fulfill his purpose. Lord Balarama and the other residents of the city, not recognizing him, offered him all honor and hospitality.
SB 10.86.5
ekada grham aniya
atithyena nimantrya tam
sraddhayopahrtam bhaiksyam
balena bubhuje kila
One day Lord Balarama brought him to His home as His invited dinner guest, and Arjuna ate the food the Lord respectfully offered him.
From the explanation of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti, it is understood that Arjuna in his sannyasi role had just finished the four-month vows of the rainy season and could now again accept general invitations from householders. Thus no one would have suspected any unusual motive in his visiting Lord Balarama at this time.