Glories of Krishna's Glance

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.86.18-21 - Glories of Krishna's Glance (download mp3)
Braj Chandra Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.86.18
narado vamadevo ’trih
 krsno ramo ’sito ’runih
aham brhaspatih kanvo
 maitreyas cyavanadayah

Among these sages were Narada, Vamadeva, Atri, Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, Parasurama, Asita, Aruni, myself, Brhaspati, Kanva, Maitreya and Cyavana.

SB 10.86.19
tatra tatra tam ayantam
 paura janapada nrpa
upatasthuh sarghya-hasta
 grahaih suryam ivoditam

In every city and town the Lord passed along the way, O King, the people came forward to worship Him with offerings of arghya water in their hands, as if to worship the risen sun surrounded by planets.

Here the sages traveling with Krsna on His chariot are likened to planets around the sun.

SB 10.86.20
anye ca tan-mukha-sarojam udara-hasa-
 snigdheksanam nrpa papur drsibhir nr-naryah

The men and women of Anarta, Dhanva, Kuru-jangala, Kanka, Matsya, Pañcala, Kunti, Madhu, Kekaya, Kosala, Arna and many other kingdoms drank with their eyes the nectarean beauty of Lord Krsna’s lotuslike face, which was graced with generous smiles and affectionate glances.

SB 10.86.21
tebhyah sva-viksana-vinasta-tamisra-drgbhyah
 ksemam tri-loka-gurur artha-drsam ca yacchan
srnvan dig-anta-dhavalam sva-yaso ’subha-ghnam
 gitam surair nrbhir agac chanakair videhan

Simply by glancing at those who came to see Him, Lord Krsna, the spiritual master of the three worlds, delivered them from the blindness of materialism. As He thus endowed them with fearlessness and divine vision, He heard demigods and men singing His glories, which purify the entire universe and destroy all misfortune. Gradually, He reached Videha.

Srila Jiva Gosvami raises the logical question of how the ordinary people along the path could even see the Lord, since not only were their eyes covered by ignorance, but the Lord’s chariot was traveling faster than the wind. Supplying the answer, Srila Jiva indicates that Lord Krsna’s special glance of mercy empowered every one of them with the devotional purity required for entering into His association. Otherwise, He would have remained outside the scope of their power to see, as He Himself states in His instructions to Uddhava: bhaktyaham ekaya grahyah. “I can be perceived only by devotion.” (Bhag. 11.14.21) By the grammatical rule of compound formation known as eka-sesa, the term sta-viksana-vinasta-tamisra-drgbhyah, although in its primary sense inflected as a masculine noun, may be understood in this context as referring to both men and women.