Srimad Bhagavatam 11.01.11-12 - Characteristics of Mahabhagavat Devotee (download mp3)
Radhika Vallabha Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.01.11-12 - Characteristics of Mahabhagavat Devotee (download mp3)
Radhika Vallabha Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.1.11-12
karmani punya-nivahani su-mangalani
gayaj-jagat-kali-malapaharani krtva
kalatmana nivasata yadu-deva-gehe
pindarakam samagaman munayo nisrstah
visvamitro ’sitah kanvo
durvasa bhrgur angirah
kasyapo vamadevo ’trir
vasistho naradadayah
The sages Visvamitra, Asita, Kanva, Durvasa, Bhrgu, Angira, Kasyapa, Vamadeva, Atri and Vasistha, along with Narada and others, once performed fruitive rituals that award abundant pious results, bring great happiness and take away the sins of Kali-yuga for the whole world by merely being recounted. The sages duly executed these rituals in the home of the chief of the Yadus, Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krsna. After Lord Krsna, who was staying in Vasudeva’s house as time personified, respectfully sent the sages off at the conclusion of the ceremonies, they went to the holy place called Pindaraka.
In this verse, Sukadeva Gosvami begins to narrate the story of the brahminical curse that arose against the Yadu dynasty by the Lord’s desire. According to Sridhara Svami, certain religious rituals, such as the asvamedha-yajña, generate pious reactions. On the other hand, activities such as caring for one’s children give immediate pleasure in the present only, whereas rituals performed as atonement take away sinful reactions. But the religious activities mentioned in verse 11, which are indicated by the words karmani punya-nivahani su-mangalani gayaj-jagat-kali-malapaharani, were pious in all respects. They produced abundant pious results and great joy and were so potent that merely glorifying these rituals relieves one from all the sinful reactions of Kali-yuga.
The sages called to Vasudeva’s house to perform such auspicious religious activities were satisfied with proper gifts and then sent by Krsna to Pindaraka, a nearby holy place situated about two miles from the Arabian Sea on the coast of Gujarat. Its current name is still Pindaraka.
Significantly, Lord Krsna is mentioned here as kalatmana, the form of time, or the Supersoul. In the Eleventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita the Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals Himself to Arjuna as time personified, appearing on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra to destroy all the kings and armies who constitute a burden to the earth. Similarly, kalatmana nivasata yadu-deva-gehe: Krsna was staying in the home of His father Vasudeva as time personified, thus indicating that the time was approaching for the destruction of His own dynasty according to His desire.