Srimad Bhagavatam 11.06.43 - Relation More Important Than Result (download mp3)
by Gaur Hari Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.6.43
naham tavanghri-kamalam
ksanardham api kesava
tyaktum samutsahe natha
sva-dhama naya mam api
O Lord Kesava, my dear master, I cannot tolerate giving up Your lotus feet even for a fraction of a moment. I urge You to take me along with You to Your own abode.
Uddhava understood that Krsna was going to withdraw the Yadu dynasty, and thus he begged the Lord to take him along to the Lord’s abode. He had no desire to merge into Krsna’s impersonal effulgence; instead he wanted to go to the Lord’s spiritual abode and continue associating with Krsna as His dearmost friend. Krsna is the Personality of Godhead and can do whatever He likes, but the devotee begs the Lord for the chance to serve Him. Although the Lord manifests within the material world His various abodes, such as Vrndavana, Dvaraka and Mathura, and although these are certainly nondifferent from their counterparts in the spiritual world, the most advanced devotees, overwhelmed with desire to personally serve the Lord, are very eager to go to the Lord’s original spiritual planet. As stated by Lord Kapila in the Third Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the pure devotees have no desire for liberation. Because of their eagerness to render service, they urge the Lord to appear before them. The six Gosvamis, due to their intense eagerness to serve Radha and Krsna, urgently searched after Them, calling out Their names in the forests of Vrndavana. Similarly, Uddhava is urging the Lord to take him to His own abode so that Uddhava’s personal service to the Lord’s lotus feet will not be interrupted even for a moment.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has pointed out that immature conditioned souls think that Lord Krsna is an ordinary jiva soul engaged in material activities and was thus unable to protect His own dynasty from the curse of the brahmanas. Uddhava’s statement corrects such unfortunate persons. It is Lord Krsna Himself who awarded pious living entities birth in brahminical families, and then Lord Krsna further awarded them the potency to curse His dynasty. And finally, Lord Krsna personally kept the curse intact, although He was capable of neutralizing it. Therefore in the beginning, middle and end, directly and indirectly, in the past, present and future, Lord Krsna is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is completely transcendental to even the slightest touch of material illusion or impotence.
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