Srimad Bhagavatam 11.12.11 - Attaining Samadhi by Anusmruti and Niswarth Seva (download mp3)
by Bal Govind Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.12.11
tas tah ksapah presthatamena nita
mayaiva vrndavana-gocarena
ksanardha-vat tah punar anga tasam
hina maya kalpa-sama babhuvuh
Dear Uddhava, all of those nights that the gopis spent with Me, their most dearly beloved, in the land of Vrndavana seemed to them to pass in less than a moment. Bereft of My association, however, the gopis felt that those same nights dragged on forever, as if each night were equal to a day of Brahma.
Srila Sridhara Svami comments as follows. “The gopis suffered extreme anxiety in the absence of Lord Krsna, and though outwardly appearing bewildered, they actually achieved the highest perfectional stage of samadhi. Their consciousness was intensely and intimately attached to Lord Krsna, and by such Krsna consciousness their own bodies seemed very far away from them, even though people normally consider their body to be their closest possession. In fact, the gopis did not think about their own existence. Although a young woman normally considers her husband and children to be her dearmost possessions, the gopis did not even consider the existence of their so-called families. Nor could they think of this world or life after death. Indeed, they were not at all aware of these things. Just like great sages who become detached from the names and forms of the material world, the gopis could not think of anything, because they were rapt in loving remembrance of Lord Krsna. Just as rivers enter the ocean, similarly, the gopis completely merged into consciousness of Lord Krsna through intense love.”
Thus a day of Brahma seemed like a single moment for the gopis when Lord Krsna was present with them, and a single moment seemed like a day of Brahma when Lord Krsna was absent. The Krsna consciousness of the gopis is the perfection of spiritual life, and the symptoms of such perfection are described here.
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