Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.26 - Preaching Struggles of Srila Prabhupada (download mp3)
by Baladev Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.14.26
yatha yathatma parimrjyate ’sau
tatha tatha pasyati vastu suksmam
caksur yathaivaƱjana-samprayuktam
When a diseased eye is treated with medicinal ointment it gradually recovers its power to see. Similarly, as a conscious living entity cleanses himself of material contamination by hearing and chanting the pious narrations of My glories, he regains his ability to see Me, the Absolute Truth, in My subtle spiritual form.
The Lord is called suksmam because He is pure spiritual consciousness, without any tinge of material energy. If one chants and hears the holy name and glories of Krsna with great sincerity, there is immediately a transcendental effect. We can immediately see the spiritual world and pastimes of the Lord if we fully surrender to the process mentioned here. A blind person feels perpetual gratitude to a doctor who restores his sight. Similarly, we sing caksu-dana dila yei, janme janme prabhu sei: the bona fide spiritual master, the representative of Lord Krsna, restores our spiritual sight, and thus he is our eternal lord and master.
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