Srimad Bhagavatam 11.16.34-37 - Sambandha Jnana Leads Abhideya that Leads to Prayojana (download mp3)
by Srila Haridas Thakur Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.16.34
apam rasas ca paramas
tejisthanam vibhavasuh
prabha suryendu-taranam
sabdo ’ham nabhasah parah
I am the sweet taste of water, and among brilliant things I am the sun. I am the effulgence of the sun, moon and stars, and I am the transcendental sound that vibrates in the sky.
SB 11.16.35
brahmanyanam balir aham
viranam aham arjunah
bhutanam sthitir utpattir
aham vai pratisankramah
Among those dedicated to brahminical culture I am Bali Maharaja, the son of Virocana, and I am Arjuna among heroes. Indeed, I am the creation, maintenance and annihilation of all living entities.
SB 11.16.36
aham sarvendriyendriyam
I am the functions of the five working senses — the legs, speech, anus, hands and sex organs — as well as those of the five knowledge-acquiring senses — touch, sight, taste, hearing and smell. I am also the potency by which each of the senses experiences its particular sense object.
SB 11.16.37
prthivi vayur akasa
apo jyotir aham mahan
vikarah puruso ’vyaktam
rajah sattvam tamah param
aham etat prasankhyanam
jñanam tattva-viniscayah
I am form, taste, aroma, touch and sound; false ego; the mahat-tattva; earth, water, fire, air and sky; the living entity; material nature; the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance; and the transcendental Lord. All these items, along with knowledge of their individual symptoms and the steady conviction that results from this knowledge, represent Me.
Having given a brief but detailed synopsis of His personal opulences within this world, the Lord now briefly summarizes the opulences that expand from His bodily effulgence. It is stated in Brahma-samhita that all of the material universes with their infinite varieties, transformations and opulences rest on the bodily effulgence of the Lord. Srila Jiva Gosvami has elaborately explained this point in his commentary on this verse.
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