Srimad Bhagavatam 11.30.38-46 - Destruction by Friction Within (download mp3)
by Braj Raj Priya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 11.30.38
yasyātma-yoga-racitaṁ na vidur viriñco
rudrādayo ’sya tanayāḥ patayo girāṁ ye
tvan-māyayā pihita-dṛṣṭaya etad añjaḥ
kiṁ tasya te vayam asad-gatayo gṛṇīmaḥ
Neither Brahmā nor his sons, headed by Rudra, nor any of the great sages who are masters of the Vedic mantras can understand the function of Your mystic power. Because Your illusory potency has covered their sight, they remain ignorant of how Your mystic power works. Therefore, what can I, such a low-born person, possibly say?
SB 11.30.39
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
mā bhair jare tvam uttiṣṭha
kāma eṣa kṛto hi me
yāhi tvaṁ mad-anujñātaḥ
svargaṁ su-kṛtināṁ padam
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Jarā, do not fear. Please get up. What has been done is actually My own desire. With My permission, go now to the abode of the pious, the spiritual world.
SB 11.30.40
ity ādiṣṭo bhagavatā
triḥ parikramya taṁ natvā
vimānena divaṁ yayau
So instructed by the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa, who assumes His transcendental body by His own will, the hunter circumambulated the Lord three times and bowed down to Him. Then the hunter departed in an airplane that had appeared just to carry him to the spiritual sky.
SB 11.30.41
dārukaḥ kṛṣṇa-padavīm
anvicchann adhigamya tām
vāyuṁ tulasikāmodam
āghrāyābhimukhaṁ yayau
At that time Dāruka was searching for his master, Kṛṣṇa. As he neared the place where the Lord was sitting, he perceived the aroma of tulasī flowers in the breeze and went in its direction.
SB 11.30.42
taṁ tatra tigma-dyubhir āyudhair vṛtaṁ
hy aśvattha-mūle kṛta-ketanaṁ patim
sneha-plutātmā nipapāta pādayo
rathād avaplutya sa-bāṣpa-locanaḥ
Upon seeing Lord Kṛṣṇa resting at the foot of a banyan tree, surrounded by His shining weapons, Dāruka could not control the affection he felt in his heart. His eyes filled with tears as he rushed down from the chariot and fell at the Lord’s feet.
SB 11.30.43
apaśyatas tvac-caraṇāmbujaṁ prabho
dṛṣṭiḥ praṇaṣṭā tamasi praviṣṭā
diśo na jāne na labhe ca śāntiṁ
yathā niśāyām uḍupe praṇaṣṭe
Dāruka said: Just as on a moonless night people are merged into darkness and cannot find their way, now that I have lost sight of Your lotus feet, my Lord, I have lost my vision and am wandering blindly in darkness. I cannot tell my direction, nor can I find any peace.
SB 11.30.44
iti bruvati sūte vai
ratho garuḍa-lāñchanaḥ
kham utpapāta rājendra
sāśva-dhvaja udīkṣataḥ
[Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] O foremost of kings, while the chariot driver was still speaking, before his very eyes the Lord’s chariot rose up into the sky along with its horses and its flag, which was marked with the emblem of Garuḍa.
SB 11.30.45
tam anvagacchan divyāni
viṣṇu-praharaṇāni ca
sūtam āha janārdanaḥ
All the divine weapons of Viṣṇu rose up and followed the chariot. The Lord, Janārdana, then spoke to His chariot driver, who was most astonished to see all this.
SB 11.30.46
gaccha dvāravatīṁ sūta
jñātīnāṁ nidhanaṁ mithaḥ
saṅkarṣaṇasya niryāṇaṁ
bandhubhyo brūhi mad-daśām
O driver, go to Dvārakā and tell Our family members how their loved ones destroyed one another. Also tell them of the disappearance of Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa and of My present condition.
Lord Kṛṣṇa sent His chariot driverless back to Vaikuṇṭha, along with the horses and weapons, because the chariot driver, Dāruka, had some final service to do on earth.
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