Srimad Bhagavatam 12.01.21-40 - Historical and Instructive Perspectives (download mp3)
by Prem Gauranga Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 12.01.21-26
kṛṣṇa-nāmātha tad-bhrātā
bhavitā pṛthivī-patiḥ
śrī-śāntakarṇas tat-putraḥ
paurṇamāsas tu tat-sutaḥ
lambodaras tu tat-putras
tasmāc cibilako nṛpaḥ
meghasvātiś cibilakād
aṭamānas tu tasya ca
aniṣṭakarmā hāleyas
talakas tasya cātma-jaḥ
purīṣabhīrus tat-putras
tato rājā sunandanaḥ
cakoro bahavo yatra
śivasvātir arin-damaḥ
tasyāpi gomatī putraḥ
purīmān bhavitā tataḥ
medaśirāḥ śivaskando
yajñaśrīs tat-sutas tataḥ
vijayas tat-suto bhāvyaś
candravijñaḥ sa-lomadhiḥ
ete triṁśan nṛpatayaś
catvāry abda-śatāni ca
ṣaṭ-pañcāśac ca pṛthivīṁ
bhokṣyanti kuru-nandana
The brother of Balī, named Kṛṣṇa, will become the next ruler of the earth. His son will be Śāntakarṇa, and his son will be Paurṇamāsa. The son of Paurṇamāsa will be Lambodara, who will father Mahārāja Cibilaka. From Cibilaka will come Meghasvāti, whose son will be Aṭamāna. The son of Aṭamāna will be Aniṣṭakarmā. His son will be Hāleya, and his son will be Talaka. The son of Talaka will be Purīṣabhīru, and following him Sunandana will become king. Sunandana will be followed by Cakora and the eight Bahus, among whom Śivasvāti will be a great subduer of enemies. The son of Śivasvāti will be Gomatī. His son will be Purīmān, whose son will be Medaśirā. His son will be Śivaskanda, and his son will be Yajñaśrī. The son of Yajñaśrī will be Vijaya, who will have two sons, Candravijña and Lomadhi. These thirty kings will enjoy sovereignty over the earth for a total of 456 years, O favorite son of the Kurus.
SB 12.01.27
saptābhīrā āvabhṛtyā
daśa gardabhino nṛpāḥ
kaṅkāḥ ṣoḍaśa bhū-pālā
bhaviṣyanty ati-lolupāḥ
Then will follow seven kings of the Ābhīra race from the city of Avabhṛti, and then ten Gardabhīs. After them, sixteen kings of the Kaṅkas will rule and will be known for their excessive greed.
SB 12.01.28
tato ’ṣṭau yavanā bhāvyāś
caturdaśa turuṣkakāḥ
bhūyo daśa guruṇḍāś ca
maulā ekādaśaiva tu
Eight Yavanas will then take power, followed by fourteen Turuṣkas, ten Guruṇḍas and eleven kings of the Maula dynasty.
SB 12.01.29-31
ete bhokṣyanti pṛthivīṁ
daśa varṣa-śatāni ca
navādhikāṁ ca navatiṁ
maulā ekādaśa kṣitim
bhokṣyanty abda-śatāny aṅga
trīṇi taiḥ saṁsthite tataḥ
kilakilāyāṁ nṛpatayo
bhūtanando ’tha vaṅgiriḥ
śiśunandiś ca tad-bhrātā
yaśonandiḥ pravīrakaḥ
ity ete vai varṣa-śataṁ
bhaviṣyanty adhikāni ṣaṭ
These Ābhīras, Gardabhīs and Kaṅkas will enjoy the earth for 1,099 years, and the Maulas will rule for 300 years. When all of them have died off there will appear in the city of Kilakilā a dynasty of kings consisting of Bhūtananda, Vaṅgiri, Śiśunandi, Śiśunandi’s brother Yaśonandi, and Pravīraka. These kings of Kilakilā will hold sway for a total of 106 years.
SB 12.01.32-33
teṣāṁ trayodaśa sutā
bhavitāraś ca bāhlikāḥ
puṣpamitro ’tha rājanyo
durmitro ’sya tathaiva ca
eka-kālā ime bhū-pāḥ
saptāndhrāḥ sapta kauśalāḥ
vidūra-patayo bhāvyā
niṣadhās tata eva hi
The Kilakilās will be followed by their thirteen sons, the Bāhlikas, and after them King Puṣpamitra, his son Durmitra, seven Andhras, seven Kauśalas and also kings of the Vidūra and Niṣadha provinces will separately rule in different parts of the world.
SB 12.01.34
māgadhānāṁ tu bhavitā
viśvasphūrjiḥ purañjayaḥ
kariṣyaty aparo varṇān
There will then appear a king of the Māgadhas named Viśvasphūrji, who will be like another Purañjaya. He will turn all the civilized classes into low-class, uncivilized men in the same category as the Pulindas, Yadus and Madrakas.
SB 12.01.35
prajāś cābrahma-bhūyiṣṭhāḥ
sthāpayiṣyati durmatiḥ
vīryavān kṣatram utsādya
padmavatyāṁ sa vai puri
anu-gaṅgam ā-prayāgaṁ
guptāṁ bhokṣyati medinīm
Foolish King Viśvasphūrji will maintain all the citizens in ungodliness and will use his power to completely disrupt the kṣatriya order. From his capital of Padmavatī he will rule that part of the earth extending from the source of the Gaṅgā to Prayāga.
SB 12.01.36
saurāṣṭrāvanty-ābhīrāś ca
śūrā arbuda-mālavāḥ
vrātyā dvijā bhaviṣyanti
śūdra-prāyā janādhipāḥ
At that time the brāhmaṇas of such provinces as Śaurāṣṭra, Avantī, Ābhīra, Śūra, Arbuda and Mālava will forget all their regulative principles, and the members of the royal order in these places will become no better than śūdras.
SB 12.01.37
sindhos taṭaṁ candrabhāgāṁ
kauntīṁ kāśmīra-maṇḍalam
bhokṣyanti śūdrā vrātyādyā
mlecchāś cābrahma-varcasaḥ
The land along the Sindhu River, as well as the districts of Candrabhāgā, Kauntī and Kāśmīra, will be ruled by śūdras, fallen brāhmaṇas and meat-eaters. Having given up the path of Vedic civilization, they will have lost all spiritual strength.
SB 12.01.38
tulya-kālā ime rājan
mleccha-prāyāś ca bhū-bhṛtaḥ
ete ’dharmānṛta-parāḥ
phalgu-dās tīvra-manyavaḥ
There will be many such uncivilized kings ruling at the same time, O King Parīkṣit, and they will all be uncharitable, possessed of fierce tempers, and great devotees of irreligion and falsity.
SB 12.01.39-40
strī-bāla-go-dvija-ghnāś ca
asaṁskṛtāḥ kriyā-hīnā
rajasā tamasāvṛtāḥ
prajās te bhakṣayiṣyanti
mlecchā rājanya-rūpiṇaḥ
These barbarians in the guise of kings will devour the citizenry, murdering innocent women, children, cows and brāhmaṇas and coveting the wives and property of other men. They will be erratic in their moods, have little strength of character and be very short-lived. Indeed, not purified by any Vedic rituals and lacking in the practice of regulative principles, they will be completely covered by the modes of passion and ignorance.
These verses give a concise, accurate description of the fallen leaders of this age.
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