Srimad Bhagavatam 12.01.18-20 - Institution is Critical (download mp3)
by Nanda Dulal Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 12.01.18
śuṅgaṁ hatvā devabhūtiṁ
kāṇvo ’mātyas tu kāminam
svayaṁ kariṣyate rājyaṁ
vasudevo mahā-matiḥ
Vasudeva, an intelligent minister coming from the Kāṇva family, will kill the last of the Śuṅga kings, a lusty debauchee named Devabhūti, and assume rulership himself.
Apparently, because King Devabhūti was lusty after the wives of other men, his minister killed him, assuming leadership and thus beginning the Kāṇva dynasty.
SB 12.01.19
tasya putras tu bhūmitras
tasya nārāyaṇaḥ sutaḥ
kāṇvāyanā ime bhūmiṁ
catvāriṁśac ca pañca ca
śatāni trīṇi bhokṣyanti
varṣāṇāṁ ca kalau yuge
The son of Vasudeva will be Bhūmitra, and his son will be Nārāyaṇa. These kings of the Kāṇva dynasty will rule the earth for 345 more years of the Kali-yuga.
SB 12.01.20
hatvā kāṇvaṁ suśarmāṇaṁ
tad-bhṛtyo vṛṣalo balī
gāṁ bhokṣyaty andhra-jātīyaḥ
kañcit kālam asattamaḥ
The last of the Kāṇvas, Suśarmā, will be murdered by his own servant, Balī, a low-class śūdra of the Andhra race. This most degraded Mahārāja Balī will have control over the earth for some time.
Here is a further description of how uncultured men infiltrated government administration. The so-called king named Balī is described as asattama, a most impious, uncultured man.
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