Damodar Lila

Srimad Bhagavatam 12.06.51-56 - Damodar Lila (download mp3)
by Braj Raj Priya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 12.06.51
tāsāṁ sa caturaḥ śiṣyān
upāhūya mahā-matiḥ
ekaikāṁ saṁhitāṁ brahmann
ekaikasmai dadau vibhuḥ

The most powerful and intelligent Vyāsadeva called four of his disciples, O brāhmaṇa, and entrusted to each of them one of these four saṁhitās.

SB 12.06.52-53
pailāya saṁhitām ādyāṁ
bahvṛcākhyāṁ uvāca ha
nigadākhyaṁ yajur-gaṇam
sāmnāṁ jaiminaye prāha
tathā chandoga-saṁhitām
atharvāṅgirasīṁ nāma
sva-śiṣyāya sumantave

Śrīla Vyāsadeva taught the first saṁhitā, the Ṛg Veda, to Paila and gave this collection the name Bahvṛca. To the sage Vaiśampāyana he spoke the collection of Yajur mantras named Nigada. He taught the Sāma Veda mantras, designated as the Chandoga-saṁhitā, to Jaimini, and he spoke the Atharva Veda to his dear disciple Sumantu.

SB 12.06.54-56
pailaḥ sva-saṁhitām ūce
indrapramitaye muniḥ
bāṣkalāya ca so ’py āha
śiṣyebhyaḥ saṁhitāṁ svakām
caturdhā vyasya bodhyāya
yājñavalkyāya bhārgava
indrapramitir ātmavān
adhyāpayat saṁhitāṁ svāṁ
māṇḍūkeyam ṛṣiṁ kavim
tasya śiṣyo devamitraḥ
saubhary-ādibhya ūcivān

After dividing his saṁhitā into two parts, the wise Paila spoke it to Indrapramiti and Bāṣkala. Bāṣkala further divided his collection into four parts, O Bhārgava, and instructed them to his disciples Bodhya, Yājñavalkya, Parāśara and Agnimitra. Indrapramiti, the self-controlled sage, taught his saṁhitā to the learned mystic Māṇḍūkeya, whose disciple Devamitra later passed down the divisions of the Ṛg Veda to Saubhari and others.

According to Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī, Māṇḍūkeya was the son of Indrapramiti, from whom he received Vedic knowledge.

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