Srimad Bhagavatam 12.09.26-34 - Meditation for Liberation from Material World (download mp3)
by Rasik Raman Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 12.09.26
tad-darśanād vīta-pariśramo mudā
praṣṭuṁ puras taṁ prasasāra bālakam
As Mārkaṇḍeya beheld the child, all his weariness vanished. Indeed, so great was his pleasure that the lotus of his heart, along with his lotus eyes, fully blossomed and the hairs on his body stood on end. Confused as to the identity of the wonderful infant, the sage approached Him.
Mārkaṇḍeya wanted to ask the child about His identity and therefore approached Him.
SB 12.09.27
tāvac chiśor vai śvasitena bhārgavaḥ
so ’ntaḥ śarīraṁ maśako yathāviśat
tatrāpy ado nyastam acaṣṭa kṛtsnaśo
yathā purāmuhyad atīva vismitaḥ
Just then the child inhaled, drawing Mārkaṇḍeya within His body like a mosquito. There the sage found the entire universe arrayed as it had been before its dissolution. Seeing this, Mārkaṇḍeya was most astonished and perplexed.
SB 12.09.28-29
khaṁ rodasī bhā-gaṇān adri-sāgarān
dvīpān sa-varṣān kakubhaḥ surāsurān
vanāni deśān saritaḥ purākarān
kheṭān vrajān āśrama-varṇa-vṛttayaḥ
mahānti bhūtāny atha bhautikāny asau
kālaṁ ca nānā-yuga-kalpa-kalpanam
yat kiñcid anyad vyavahāra-kāraṇaṁ
dadarśa viśvaṁ sad ivāvabhāsitam
The sage saw the entire universe: the sky, heavens and earth, the stars, mountains, oceans, great islands and continents, the expanses in every direction, the saintly and demoniac living beings, the forests, countries, rivers, cities and mines, the agricultural villages and cow pastures, and the occupational and spiritual activities of the various social divisions. He also saw the basic elements of creation along with all their by-products, as well as time itself, which regulates the progression of countless ages within the days of Brahmā. In addition, he saw everything else created for use in material life. All this he saw manifested before him as if it were real.
SB 12.09.30
himālayaṁ puṣpavahāṁ ca tāṁ nadīṁ
nijāśramaṁ yatra ṛṣī apaśyata
viśvaṁ vipaśyañ chvasitāc chiśor vai
bahir nirasto nyapatal layābdhau
He saw before him the Himālaya Mountains, the Puṣpabhadrā River, and his own hermitage, where he had had the audience of the sages Nara-Nārāyaṇa. Then, as Mārkaṇḍeya beheld the entire universe, the infant exhaled, expelling the sage from His body and casting him back into the ocean of dissolution.
SB 12.09.31-32
tasmin pṛthivyāḥ kakudi prarūḍhaṁ
vaṭaṁ ca tat-parṇa-puṭe śayānam
tokaṁ ca tat-prema-sudhā-smitena
nirīkṣito ’pāṅga-nirīkṣaṇena
atha taṁ bālakaṁ vīkṣya
netrābhyāṁ dhiṣṭhitaṁ hṛdi
abhyayād ati-saṅkliṣṭaḥ
pariṣvaktum adhokṣajam
In that vast sea he again saw the banyan tree growing on the tiny island and the infant boy lying within the leaf. The child glanced at him from the corner of His eyes with a smile imbued with the nectar of love, and Mārkaṇḍeya took Him into his heart through his eyes. Greatly agitated, the sage ran to embrace the transcendental Personality of Godhead.
SB 12.09.33
tāvat sa bhagavān sākṣād
yogādhīśo guhā-śayaḥ
antardadha ṛṣeḥ sadyo
At that moment the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original master of all mysticism and who is hidden within everyone’s heart, became invisible to the sage, just as the achievements of an incompetent person can suddenly vanish.
SB 12.09.34
tam anv atha vaṭo brahman
salilaṁ loka-samplavaḥ
tirodhāyi kṣaṇād asya
svāśrame pūrva-vat sthitaḥ
After the Lord disappeared, O brāhmaṇa, the banyan tree, the great water and the dissolution of the universe all vanished as well, and in an instant Mārkaṇḍeya found himself back in his own hermitage, just as before.
Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Twelfth Canto, Ninth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi Sees the Illusory Potency of the Lord.”
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