Srimad Bhagavatam 12.11.29-50 - Suryadeva in Srimad Bhagavatam (download mp3)
by Radhika Vallabh Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
sūta uvāca
anādy-avidyayā viṣṇor
ātmanaḥ sarva-dehinām
nirmito loka-tantro ’yaṁ
lokeṣu parivartate
Sūta Gosvāmī said: The sun travels among all the planets and thus regulates their movements. It has been created by Lord Viṣṇu, the Supreme Soul of all embodied beings, through His beginningless material energy.
eka eva hi lokānāṁ
sūrya ātmādi-kṛd dhariḥ
ṛṣibhir bahudhoditaḥ
The sun-god, being nondifferent from Lord Hari, is the one soul of all the worlds and their original creator. He is the source of all the ritualistic activities prescribed in the Vedas and has been given many names by the Vedic sages.
kālo deśaḥ kriyā kartā
karaṇaṁ kāryam āgamaḥ
dravyaṁ phalam iti brahman
navadhokto ’jayā hariḥ
Being the source of the material energy, the Personality of Godhead Lord Hari in His expansion as the sun-god is described in nine aspects, O Śaunaka: the time, the place, the endeavor, the performer, the instrument, the specific ritual, the scripture, the paraphernalia of worship and the result to be achieved.
madhv-ādiṣu dvādaśasu
bhagavān kāla-rūpa-dhṛk
loka-tantrāya carati
pṛthag dvādaśabhir gaṇaiḥ
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, manifesting His potency of time as the sun-god, travels about in each of the twelve months, beginning with Madhu, to regulate planetary motion within the universe. Traveling with the sun-god in each of the twelve months is a different set of six associates.
dhātā kṛtasthalī hetir
vāsukī rathakṛn mune
pulastyas tumburur iti
madhu-māsaṁ nayanty amī
My dear sage, Dhātā as the sun-god, Kṛtasthalī as the Apsarā, Heti as the Rākṣasa, Vāsuki as the Nāga, Rathakṛt as the Yakṣa, Pulastya as the sage and Tumburu as the Gandharva rule the month of Madhu.
aryamā pulaho ’thaujāḥ
prahetiḥ puñjikasthalī
nāradaḥ kacchanīraś ca
nayanty ete sma mādhavam
Aryamā as the sun-god, Pulaha as the sage, Athaujā as the Yakṣa, Praheti as the Rākṣasa, Puñjikasthalī as the Apsarā, Nārada as the Gandharva and Kacchanīra as the Nāga rule the month of Mādhava.
mitro ’triḥ pauruṣeyo ’tha
takṣako menakā hahāḥ
rathasvana iti hy ete
śukra-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Mitra as the sun-god, Atri as the sage, Pauruṣeya as the Rākṣasa, Takṣaka as the Nāga, Menakā as the Apsarā, Hāhā as the Gandharva and Rathasvana as the Yakṣa rule the month of Śukra.
vasiṣṭho varuṇo rambhā
sahajanyas tathā huhūḥ
śukraś citrasvanaś caiva
śuci-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Vasiṣṭha as the sage, Varuṇa as the sun-god, Rambhā as the Apsarā, Sahajanya as the Rākṣasa, Hūhū as the Gandharva, Śukra as the Nāga and Citrasvana as the Yakṣa rule the month of Śuci.
indro viśvāvasuḥ śrotā
elāpatras tathāṅgirāḥ
pramlocā rākṣaso varyo
nabho-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Indra as the sun-god, Viśvāvasu as the Gandharva, Śrotā as the Yakṣa, Elāpatra as the Nāga, Aṅgirā as the sage, Pramlocā as the Apsarā and Varya as the Rākṣasa rule the month of Nabhas.
vivasvān ugrasenaś ca
vyāghra āsāraṇo bhṛguḥ
anumlocā śaṅkhapālo
nabhasyākhyaṁ nayanty amī
Vivasvān as the sun-god, Ugrasena as the Gandharva, Vyāghra as the Rākṣasa, Āsāraṇa as the Yakṣa, Bhṛgu as the sage, Anumlocā as the Apsarā and Śaṅkhapāla as the Nāga rule the month of Nabhasya.
pūṣā dhanañjayo vātaḥ
suṣeṇaḥ surucis tathā
ghṛtācī gautamaś ceti
tapo-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Pūṣā as the sun-god, Dhanañjaya as the Nāga, Vāta as the Rākṣasa, Suṣeṇa as the Gandharva, Suruci as the Yakṣa, Ghṛtācī as the Apsarā and Gautama as the sage rule the month of Tapas.
SB 12.11.40
ṛtur varcā bharadvājaḥ
parjanyaḥ senajit tathā
viśva airāvataś caiva
tapasyākhyaṁ nayanty amī
Ṛtu as the Yakṣa, Varcā as the Rākṣasa, Bharadvāja as the sage, Parjanya as the sun-god, Senajit as the Apsarā, Viśva as the Gandharva and Airāvata as the Nāga rule the month known as Tapasya.
athāṁśuḥ kaśyapas tārkṣya
ṛtasenas tathorvaśī
vidyucchatrur mahāśaṅkhaḥ
saho-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Aṁśu as the sun-god, Kaśyapa as the sage, Tārkṣya as the Yakṣa, Ṛtasena as the Gandharva, Urvaśī as the Apsarā, Vidyucchatru as the Rākṣasa and Mahāśaṅkha as the Nāga rule the month of Sahas.
bhagaḥ sphūrjo ’riṣṭanemir
ūrṇa āyuś ca pañcamaḥ
karkoṭakaḥ pūrvacittiḥ
puṣya-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Bhaga as the sun-god, Sphūrja as the Rākṣasa, Ariṣṭanemi as the Gandharva, Ūrṇa as the Yakṣa, Āyur as the sage, Karkoṭaka as the Nāga and Pūrvacitti as the Apsarā rule the month of Puṣya.
SB 12.11.43
tvaṣṭā ṛcīka-tanayaḥ
kambalaś ca tilottamā
brahmāpeto ’tha satajid
dhṛtarāṣṭra iṣam-bharāḥ
Tvaṣṭā as the sun-god; Jamadagni, the son of Ṛcīka, as the sage; Kambalāśva as the Nāga; Tilottamā as the Apsarā; Brahmāpeta as the Rākṣasa; Śatajit as the Yakṣa; and Dhṛtarāṣṭra as the Gandharva maintain the month of Iṣa.
SB 12.11.44
viṣṇur aśvataro rambhā
sūryavarcāś ca satyajit
viśvāmitro makhāpeta
ūrja-māsaṁ nayanty amī
Viṣṇu as the sun-god, Aśvatara as the Nāga, Rambhā as the Apsarā, Sūryavarcā as the Gandharva, Satyajit as the Yakṣa, Viśvāmitra as the sage and Makhāpeta as the Rākṣasa rule the month of Ūrja.
All these sun-gods and their associates are mentioned in divisions in the Kūrma Purāṇa, as follows:
dhātāryamā ca mitraś ca
varuṇaś cendra eva ca
vivasvān atha pūṣā ca
parjanyaś cāṁśur eva ca
bhagas tvaṣṭā ca viṣṇuś ca
ādityā dvādaśa smṛtāḥ
pulastyaḥ pulahaś cātrir
vasiṣṭo ’thāṅgirā bhṛguḥ
gautamo ’tha bharadvājaḥ
kaśyapaḥ kratur eva ca
jamadagniḥ kauśikaś ca
munayo brahma-vādināḥ
rathakṛc cāpy athojāś ca
grāmaṇīḥ surucis tathā
ratha-citrasvanaḥ śrotā
aruṇaḥ senajit tathā
tārkṣya ariṣṭanemiś ca
ṛtajit satyajit tathā
atha hetiḥ prahetiś ca
pauruṣeyo vadhas tathā
varyo vyāghras tathāpaś ca
vāyur vidyud divākaraḥ
brahmāpetaś ca vipendrā
yajñāpetaś ca rākṣakāḥ
vāsukiḥ kacchanīraś ca
takṣakaḥ śukra eva ca
elāpatraḥ śaṅkhapālas
dhanañjayo mahāpadmas
tathā karkoṭako dvijāḥ
kambalo ’śvataraś caiva
vahanty enaṁ yathā-kramam
tumburur nārado hāhā
hūhūr viśvāvasus tathā
ugraseno vasurucir
viśvavasur athāparaḥ
citrasenas tathorṇāyur
dhṛṭarāṣṭro dvijottamāḥ
sūryavarcā dvādaśaite
gandharvā gāyatāṁ varāḥ
kṛtasthaly apsaro-varyā
tathānyā puñjikasthalī
menakā sahajanyā ca
pramlocā ca dvijottamāḥ
anumlocā ghṛtācī ca
viśvācī corvaśī tathā
anyā ca pūrvacittiḥ syād
anyā caiva tilottamā
rambhā ceti dvija-śreṣṭhās
tathaivāpsarasaḥ smṛtāḥ
SB 12.11.45
etā bhagavato viṣṇor
ādityasya vibhūtayaḥ
smaratāṁ sandhyayor nṝṇāṁ
haranty aṁho dine dine
All these personalities are the opulent expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, in the form of the sun-god. These deities take away all the sinful reactions of those who remember them each day at dawn and sunset.
SB 12.11.46
dvādaśasv api māseṣu
devo ’sau ṣaḍbhir asya vai
caran samantāt tanute
paratreha ca san-matim
Thus, throughout the twelve months, the lord of the sun travels in all directions with his six types of associates, disseminating among the inhabitants of this universe purity of consciousness for both this life and the next.
SB 12.11.47-48
sāmarg-yajurbhis tal-liṅgair
ṛṣayaḥ saṁstuvanty amum
gandharvās taṁ pragāyanti
nṛtyanty apsaraso ’grataḥ
unnahyanti rathaṁ nāgā
grāmaṇyo ratha-yojakāḥ
codayanti rathaṁ pṛṣṭhe
nairṛtā bala-śālinaḥ
While the sages glorify the sun-god with the hymns of the Sāma, Ṛg and Yajur Vedas, which reveal his identity, the Gandharvas also sing his praises and the Apsarās dance before his chariot. The Nāgas arrange the chariot ropes and the Yakṣas harness the horses to the chariot, while the powerful Rākṣasas push from behind.
SB 12.11.49
vālakhilyāḥ sahasrāṇi
ṣaṣṭir brahmarṣayo ’malāḥ
purato ’bhimukhaṁ yānti
stuvanti stutibhir vibhum
Facing the chariot, the sixty thousand brāhmaṇa sages known as Vālakhilyas travel in front and offer prayers to the almighty sun-god with Vedic mantras.
SB 12.11.50
evaṁ hy anādi-nidhano
bhagavān harir īśvaraḥ
kalpe kalpe svam ātmānaṁ
vyūhya lokān avaty ajaḥ
For the protection of all the worlds, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari, who is unborn and without beginning or end, thus expands Himself during each day of Brahmā into these specific categories of His personal representations.
Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Twelfth Canto, Eleventh Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Summary Description of the Mahāpuruṣa.”
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