Srimad Bhagavatam 12-12-08-47 - The Greatest wealth Friendship in Krishna Consciousness
by Sridama Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
SB 12.12.08
kṣattṛ-maitreyayos tataḥ
This scripture also relates the discussions Vidura had with Uddhava and with Maitreya, inquiries about the subject matter of this Purāṇa, and the winding up of creation within the body of the Supreme Lord at the time of annihilation.
SB 12.12.09
tataḥ prākṛtikaḥ sargaḥ
sapta vaikṛtikāś ca ye
tato brahmāṇḍa-sambhūtir
vairājaḥ puruṣo yataḥ
The creation effected by the agitation of the modes of material nature, the seven stages of evolution by elemental transformation, and the construction of the universal egg, from which arises the universal form of the Supreme Lord — all these are thoroughly described.
SB 12.12.10
kālasya sthūla-sūkṣmasya
gatiḥ padma-samudbhavaḥ
bhuva uddharaṇe ’mbhodher
hiraṇyākṣa-vadho yathā
Other topics include the subtle and gross movements of time, the generation of the lotus from the navel of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, and the killing of the demon Hiraṇyākṣa when the earth was delivered from the Garbhodaka Ocean.
SB 12.12.11
rudra-sargas tathaiva ca
yataḥ svāyambhuvo manuḥ
The Bhāgavatam also describes the creation of demigods, animals and demoniac species of life; the birth of Lord Rudra; and the appearance of Svāyambhuva Manu from the half-man, half-woman Īśvara.
SB 12.12.12
śatarūpā ca yā strīṇām
ādyā prakṛtir uttamā
santāno dharma-patnīnāṁ
kardamasya prajāpateḥ
Also related are the appearance of the first woman, Śatarūpā, who was the excellent consort of Manu, and the offspring of the pious wives of Prajāpati Kardama.
SB 12.12.13
avatāro bhagavataḥ
kapilasya mahātmanaḥ
devahūtyāś ca saṁvādaḥ
kapilena ca dhīmatā
The Bhāgavatam describes the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the exalted sage Kapila and records the conversation between that greatly learned soul and His mother, Devahūti.
SB 12.12.14-15
dhruvasya caritaṁ paścāt
pṛthoḥ prācīnabarhiṣaḥ
nāradasya ca saṁvādas
tataḥ praiyavrataṁ dvijāḥ
nābhes tato ’nucaritam
ṛṣabhasya bharatasya ca
Also described are the progeny of the nine great brāhmaṇas, the destruction of Dakṣa’s sacrifice, and the history of Dhruva Mahārāja, followed by the histories of King Pṛthu and King Prācīnabarhi, the discussion between Prācīnabarhi and Nārada, and the life of Mahārāja Priyavrata. Then, O brāhmaṇas, the Bhāgavatam tells of the character and activities of King Nābhi, Lord Ṛṣabha and King Bharata.
SB 12.12.16
jyotiś-cakrasya saṁsthānaṁ
The Bhāgavatam gives an elaborate description of the earth’s continents, regions, oceans, mountains and rivers. Also described are the arrangement of the celestial sphere and the conditions found in the subterranean regions and in hell.
SB 12.12.17
dakṣa-janma pracetobhyas
tat-putrīṇāṁ ca santatiḥ
yato devāsura-narās
The rebirth of Prajāpati Dakṣa as the son of the Pracetās, and the progeny of Dakṣa’s daughters, who initiated the races of demigods, demons, human beings, animals, serpents, birds and so on — all this is described.
SB 12.12.18
tvāṣṭrasya janma-nidhanaṁ
putrayoś ca diter dvijāḥ
daityeśvarasya caritaṁ
prahrādasya mahātmanaḥ
O brāhmaṇas, also recounted are the births and deaths of Vṛtrāsura and of Diti’s sons Hiraṇyākṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu, as well as the history of the greatest of Diti’s descendants, the exalted soul Prahlāda.
SB 12.12.19
gajendrasya vimokṣaṇam
manvantarāvatārāś ca
viṣṇor hayaśirādayaḥ
The reign of each Manu, the liberation of Gajendra, and the special incarnations of Lord Viṣṇu in each manvantara, such as Lord Hayaśīrṣā, are described as well.
SB 12.12.20
kaurmaṁ mātsyaṁ nārasiṁhaṁ
vāmanaṁ ca jagat-pateḥ
kṣīroda-mathanaṁ tadvad
amṛtārthe divaukasām
The Bhāgavatam also tells of the appearances of the Lord of the universe as Kūrma, Matsya, Narasiṁha and Vāmana, and of the demigods’ churning of the Milk Ocean to obtain nectar.
SB 12.12.21
ikṣvāku-janma tad-vaṁśaḥ
sudyumnasya mahātmanaḥ
An account of the great battle fought between the demigods and the demons, a systematic description of the dynasties of various kings, and narrations concerning Ikṣvāku’s birth, his dynasty and the dynasty of the pious Sudyumna — all are presented within this literature.
SB 12.12.22
ilopākhyānam atroktaṁ
tāropākhyānam eva ca
śaśādādyā nṛgādayaḥ
Also related are the histories of Ilā and Tārā, and the description of the descendants of the sun-god, including such kings as Śaśāda and Nṛga.
SB 12.12.23
saukanyaṁ cātha śaryāteḥ
kakutsthasya ca dhīmataḥ
khaṭvāṅgasya ca māndhātuḥ
saubhareḥ sagarasya ca
The histories of Sukanyā, Śaryāti, the intelligent Kakutstha, Khaṭvāṅga, Māndhātā, Saubhari and Sagara are narrated.
SB 12.12.24
rāmasya kośalendrasya
caritaṁ kilbiṣāpaham
nimer aṅga-parityāgo
janakānāṁ ca sambhavaḥ
The Bhāgavatam narrates the sanctifying pastimes of Lord Rāmacandra, the King of Kośala, and also explains how King Nimi abandoned his material body. The appearance of the descendants of King Janaka is also mentioned.
SB 12.12.25-26
rāmasya bhārgavendrasya
niḥkṣatrī-karaṇaṁ bhuvaḥ
ailasya soma-vaṁśasya
yayāter nahuṣasya ca
dauṣmanter bharatasyāpi
śāntanos tat-sutasya ca
yayāter jyeṣṭha-putrasya
yador vaṁśo ’nukīrtitaḥ
The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam describes how Lord Paraśurāma, the greatest descendant of Bhṛgu, annihilated all the kṣatriyas on the face of the earth. It further recounts the lives of glorious kings who appeared in the dynasty of the moon-god — kings such as Aila, Yayāti, Nahuṣa, Duṣmanta’s son Bharata, Śāntanu and Śāntanu’s son Bhīṣma. Also described is the great dynasty founded by King Yadu, the eldest son of Yayāti.
SB 12.12.27
yatrāvatīrṇo bhagavān
kṛṣṇākhyo jagad-īśvaraḥ
vasudeva-gṛhe janma
tato vṛddhiś ca gokule
How Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Lord of the universe, descended into this Yadu dynasty, how He took birth in the home of Vasudeva, and how He then grew up in Gokula — all this is described in detail.
SB 12.12.28-29
tasya karmāṇy apārāṇi
kīrtitāny asura-dviṣaḥ
śakaṭoccāṭanaṁ śiśoḥ
tṛṇāvartasya niṣpeṣas
tathaiva baka-vatsayoḥ
aghāsura-vadho dhātrā
Also glorified are the innumerable pastimes of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of the demons, including His childhood pastimes of sucking out Pūtanā’s life air along with her breast milk, breaking the cart, trampling down Tṛṇāvarta, killing Bakāsura, Vatsāsura and Aghāsura, and the pastimes He enacted when Lord Brahmā hid His calves and cowherd boyfriends in a cave.
SB 12.12.30
dhenukasya saha-bhrātuḥ
pralambasya ca saṅkṣayaḥ
gopānāṁ ca paritrāṇaṁ
dāvāgneḥ parisarpataḥ
The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam tells how Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Balarāma killed the demon Dhenukāsura and his companions, how Lord Balarāma destroyed Pralambāsura, and also how Kṛṣṇa saved the cowherd boys from a raging forest fire that had encircled them.
SB 12.12.31-33
damanaṁ kāliyasyāher
mahāher nanda-mokṣaṇam
vrata-caryā tu kanyānāṁ
yatra tuṣṭo ’cyuto vrataiḥ
prasādo yajña-patnībhyo
viprāṇāṁ cānutāpanam
govardhanoddhāraṇaṁ ca
śakrasya surabher atha
yajñabhiṣekaḥ kṛṣṇasya
strībhiḥ krīḍā ca rātriṣu
śaṅkhacūḍasya durbuddher
vadho ’riṣṭasya keśinaḥ
The chastisement of the serpent Kāliya; the rescue of Nanda Mahārāja from a great snake; the severe vows performed by the young gopīs, who thus satisfied Lord Kṛṣṇa; the mercy He showed the wives of the Vedic brāhmaṇas, who felt remorse; the lifting of Govardhana Hill followed by the worship and bathing ceremony performed by Indra and the Surabhi cow; Lord Kṛṣṇa’s nocturnal pastimes with the cowherd girls; and the killing of the foolish demons Śaṅkhacūḍa, Ariṣṭa and Keśī — all these pastimes are elaborately recounted.
SB 12.12.34
akrūrāgamanaṁ paścāt
prasthānaṁ rāma-kṛṣṇayoḥ
vraja-strīṇāṁ vilāpaś ca
mathurālokanaṁ tataḥ
The Bhāgavatam describes the arrival of Akrūra, the subsequent departure of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, the lamentation of the gopīs and the touring of Mathurā.
SB 12.12.35
kaṁsādīnāṁ tathā vadhaḥ
mṛtasyānayanaṁ sūnoḥ
punaḥ sāndīpaner guroḥ
Also narrated are how Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma killed the elephant Kuvalayāpīḍa, the wrestlers Muṣṭika and Cāṇūra, and Kaṁsa and other demons, as well as how Kṛṣṇa brought back the dead son of His spiritual master, Sāndīpani Muni.
SB 12.12.36
mathurāyāṁ nivasatā
yadu-cakrasya yat priyam
kṛtam uddhava-rāmābhyāṁ
yutena hariṇā dvijāḥ
Then, O brāhmaṇas, this scripture recounts how Lord Hari, while residing in Mathurā in the company of Uddhava and Balarāma, performed pastimes for the satisfaction of the Yadu dynasty.
SB 12.12.37
sainyasya bahuśo vadhaḥ
ghātanaṁ yavanendrasya
kuśasthalyā niveśanam
Also described are the annihilation of each of the many armies brought by Jarāsandha, the killing of the barbarian king Kālayavana and the establishment of Dvārakā City.
SB 12.12.38
ādānaṁ pārijātasya
sudharmāyāḥ surālayāt
rukmiṇyā haraṇaṁ yuddhe
pramathya dviṣato hareḥ
This work also describes how Lord Kṛṣṇa brought from heaven the pārijāta tree and the Sudharmā assembly hall, and how He kidnapped Rukmiṇī by defeating all His rivals in battle.
SB 12.12.39
harasya jṛmbhaṇaṁ yuddhe
bāṇasya bhuja-kṛntanam
prāgjyotiṣa-patiṁ hatvā
kanyānāṁ haraṇaṁ ca yat
Also narrated are how Lord Kṛṣṇa, in the battle with Bāṇāsura, defeated Lord Śiva by making him yawn, how the Lord cut off Bāṇāsura’s arms, and how He killed the master of Prāgjyotiṣapura and then rescued the young princesses held captive in that city.
SB 12.12.40-41
dantavakrasya durmateḥ
śambaro dvividaḥ pīṭho
muraḥ pañcajanādayaḥ
māhātmyaṁ ca vadhas teṣāṁ
vārāṇasyāś ca dāhanam
bhārāvataraṇaṁ bhūmer
nimittī-kṛtya pāṇḍavān
There are descriptions of the powers and the deaths of the King of Cedi, Pauṇḍraka, Śālva, the foolish Dantavakra, Śambara, Dvivida, Pīṭha, Mura, Pañcajana and other demons, along with a description of how Vārāṇasī was burned to the ground. The Bhāgavatam also recounts how Lord Kṛṣṇa relieved the earth’s burden by engaging the Pāṇḍavas in the Battle of Kurukṣetra.
SB 12.12.42-43
saṁhāraḥ sva-kulasya ca
uddhavasya ca saṁvādo
vasudevasya cādbhutaḥ
yatrātma-vidyā hy akhilā
proktā dharma-vinirṇayaḥ
tato martya-parityāga
How the Lord withdrew His own dynasty on the pretext of the brāhmaṇas’ curse; Vasudeva’s conversation with Nārada; the extraordinary conversation between Uddhava and Kṛṣṇa, which reveals the science of the self in complete detail and elucidates the religious principles of human society; and then how Lord Kṛṣṇa gave up this mortal world by His own mystic power — the Bhāgavatam narrates all these events.
SB 12.12.44
yuga-lakṣaṇa-vṛttiś ca
kalau nṝṇām upaplavaḥ
catur-vidhaś ca pralaya
utpattis tri-vidhā tathā
This work also describes people’s characteristics and behavior in the different ages, the chaos men experience in the Age of Kali, the four kinds of annihilation and the three kinds of creation.
SB 12.12.45
deha-tyāgaś ca rājarṣer
viṣṇu-rātasya dhīmataḥ
śākhā-praṇayanam ṛṣer
mārkaṇḍeyasya sat-kathā
sūryasya jagad-ātmanaḥ
There are also an account of the passing away of the wise and saintly King Viṣṇurāta [Parīkṣit], an explanation of how Śrīla Vyāsadeva disseminated the branches of the Vedas, a pious narration concerning Mārkaṇḍeya Ṛṣi, and a description of the detailed arrangement of the Lord’s universal form and His form as the sun, the soul of the universe.
SB 12.12.46
iti coktaṁ dvija-śreṣṭhā
yat pṛṣṭo ’ham ihāsmi vaḥ
kīrtitānīha sarvaśaḥ
Thus, O best of the brāhmaṇas, I have explained herein what you have inquired from me. This literature has glorified in full detail the activities of the Lord’s pastime incarnations.
SB 12.12.47
patitaḥ skhalitaś cārtaḥ
kṣuttvā vā vivaśo gṛṇan
haraye nama ity uccair
mucyate sarva-pātakāt
If when falling, slipping, feeling pain or sneezing one involuntarily cries out in a loud voice, “Obeisances to Lord Hari!” one will be automatically freed from all his sinful reactions.
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura explains that Lord Śrī Caitanya is always loudly chanting the song haraye namaḥ kṛṣṇa in the courtyard of Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura and that this same Lord Caitanya will free us from our materialistic enjoying propensity if we also loudly chant the glories of the Supreme Lord Hari.
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