Art of forgiveness

Srimad Bhagavatam 01.07.41 - Art of forgiveness (download mp3)
by Akinchan Krishna Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 01.07.41
athopetya sva-śibiraṁ
nyavedayat taṁ priyāyai
śocantyā ātma-jān hatān

After reaching his own camp, Arjuna, along with his dear friend and charioteer [Śrī Kṛṣṇa], entrusted the murderer unto his dear wife, who was lamenting for her murdered sons.

The transcendental relation of Arjuna with Kṛṣṇa is of the dearmost friendship. In the Bhagavad-gītā the Lord Himself has claimed Arjuna as His dearmost friend. Every living being is thus related with the Supreme Lord by some sort of affectionate relation, either as servant or as friend or as parent or as an object of conjugal love. Everyone thus can enjoy the company of the Lord in the spiritual realm if he at all desires and sincerely tries for it by the process of bhakti-yoga.

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