The Living Bhakti Tradition is a Garden not a Museum

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.76.28-33 - The Living Bhakti Tradition is a Garden not a Museum (download mp3), and (download mp3 Q&A)
by Chaitanya Charan Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.76.28
labdha-samjño muhurtena
 karsnih sarathim abravit
aho asadhv idam suta
 yad ranan me ’pasarpanam

Quickly regaining consciousness, Lord Krsna’s son Pradyumna said to His charioteer, “O driver, this is abominable — for Me to have been removed from the battlefield!

SB 10.76.29
na yadunam kule jatah
 sruyate rana-vicyutah
vina mat kliba-cittena
 sutena prapta-kilbisat

“Except for Me, no one born in the Yadu dynasty has ever been known to abandon the battlefield. My reputation has now been stained by a driver who thinks like a eunuch.

SB 10.76.30
kim nu vaksye ’bhisangamya
 pitarau rama-kesavau
yuddhat samyag apakrantah
 prstas tatratmanah ksamam

“What will I say to My fathers, Rama and Kesava, when I return to Them after having simply fled the battle? What can I tell Them that will befit My honor?

Sri Pradyumna here uses the word pitarau, “fathers,” loosely. Lord Balarama was of course His uncle.

SB 10.76.31
vyaktam me kathayisyanti
 hasantyo bhratr-jamayah
klaibyam katham katham vira
 tavanyaih kathyatam mrdhe

“Certainly My sisters-in-law will laugh at Me and say, ‘O hero, tell us how in the world Your enemies turned You into such a coward in battle.’”

SB 10.76.32
sarathir uvaca
dharmam vijanatayusman
 krtam etan maya vibho
sutah krcchra-gatam raksed
 rathinam sarathim rathi

The driver replied: O long-lived one, I have done this knowing full well my prescribed duty. O my Lord, the chariot driver must protect the master of the chariot when he is in danger, and the master must also protect his driver.

SB 10.76.33
etad viditva tu bhavan
 mayapovahito ranat
upasrstah pareneti
 murcchito gadaya hatah

With this rule in mind, I removed You from the battlefield, since You had been struck unconscious by Your enemy’s club and I thought You were seriously injured.

Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to the Tenth Canto, Seventy-sixth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled “The Battle Between Salva and the Vrsnis.”