Srimad Bhagavatam 08.05.17-20 - Compassion Of Srila Advaita Acharya (download mp3)
by Rohini Priya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
Srimad Bhagavatam 08.05.17-20 - Compassion Of Srila Advaita Acharya (download mp3)
by Rohini Priya Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty
nisamyaitat sura-gana
nadhyagacchan svayam mantrair
mantrayanto viniscitam
tato brahma-sabham jagmur
meror murdhani sarvasah
sarvam vijñapayam cakruh
pranatah paramesthine
Lord Indra, Varuna and the other demigods, seeing their lives in such a state, consulted among themselves, but they could not find any solution. Then all the demigods assembled and went together to the peak of Sumeru Mountain. There, in the assembly of Lord Brahma, they fell down to offer Lord Brahma their obeisances, and then they informed him of all the incidents that had taken place.
SB 8.5.19-20
sa vilokyendra-vayv-adin
nihsattvan vigata-prabhan
lokan amangala-prayan
asuran ayatha vibhuh
samahitena manasa
samsmaran purusam param
devan sa bhagavan parah
Upon seeing that the demigods were bereft of all influence and strength and that the three worlds were consequently devoid of auspiciousness, and upon seeing that the demigods were in an awkward position whereas all the demons were flourishing, Lord Brahma, who is above all the demigods and who is most powerful, concentrated his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus being encouraged, he became bright-faced and spoke to the demigods as follows.
After hearing from the demigods the real situation, Lord Brahma was very much concerned because the demons were unnecessarily so powerful. When demons become powerful, the entire world is placed in an awkward position because demons are simply interested in their own sense gratification and not in the welfare of the world. Demigods or devotees, however, are concerned with the welfare of all living beings. Srila Rupa Gosvami, for example, left his ministership and went to Vrndavana for the benefit of the entire world (lokanam hita-karinau). This is the nature of a saintly person or demigod. Even impersonalists think of the welfare of all people. Thus Brahma was very much concerned at seeing the demons in power.