Nanda Maharaja's Concern To Protect Krishna

by Sankirtan Prabhu at ISKCON Chowpatty

SB 10.5.19
gopan gokula-raksayam
nirupya mathuram gatah
nandah kamsasya varsikyam
karam datum kurudvaha

Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Thereafter, my dear King Pariksit, O best protector of the Kuru dynasty, Nanda Maharaja appointed the local cowherd men to protect Gokula and then went to Mathura to pay the yearly taxes to King Kamsa.

Because the killing of babies was going on and had already become known, Nanda Maharaja was very much afraid for his newborn child. Thus he appointed the local cowherd men to protect his home and child. He wanted to go immediately to Mathura to pay the taxes due and also to offer some presentation for the sake of his newborn son. For the protection of the child, he had worshiped various demigods and forefathers and given charity to everyone's satisfaction. Similarly, Nanda Maharaja wanted not only to pay Kamsa the yearly taxes but also to offer some presentation so that Kamsa too would be satisfied. His only concern was how to protect his transcendental child, Krsna.